Why choose all natural bug repellent

Most commercialized bug sprays we find today contain DEET. (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide). Some of the “cleaner options” out there contain Pyrethrins which is derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Studies have shown that DEET can cause seizures in children under the age of two with prolonged use, which in my opinion is one of the biggest dangers. In general, our bodies tend to not like chemicals and using things like this can cause local reactions to occur such as redness and irritation and burning to the eyes and nose. It should also be noted that studies have shown an increased risk of birth defects in women who used products containing DEET while pregnant.
Many will argue that DEET is one of the most effective ingredients we have in repelling insects, though there is some truth to this, you have to ask yourself “do the benefits outweigh the risks”.

Essential Oils are going to be the main component in our repellent. I cannot express enough how important it is to purchase oils from a reputable and trusted source. Many companies out there dilute their oils with a carrier oil leaving you with a much less concentrated product. Using oils from companies like this are not going to be as effective and are just a waste of money. Oils such as Lemongrass, Citronella, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint have been proven to repel insects such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.
Combine the following ingredients:
- 15 drops Citronella Essential Oil
- 15 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
- 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
- 5 drops Lavendar Essential Oil
- 5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
- 14oz of witch hazel
- Spray Bottle (I highly recommend a glass amber bottle – dark colored glass will prolong the life of your product as it shades it from light and essential oils can eat through plastic overtime)
I have had so much luck with this recipe, and I absolutely love the way it smells! It is safe for little ones but always spray a small patch of skin to test for an any reactions before fully applying it.
Also, this recipe does make enough to fill three 4 oz bottle or one 15 oz bottle. I just prefer to make a larger batch all at once at the start of summer and then store it in a dark colored jar in my cabinet. Then, all I have to do is refill my spray bottle once I use it!