Permaculture is a term created by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and is short for “permanent agriculture”. Permaculture is a holistic approach that allows us to create natural “mini ecosystems” right in our backyards. Permaculture is all about designing systems that work in synergy with nature rather…
Tag: beekeeping
How to Make Money on a Homestead
There are so many ways to make money homesteading but today I am going to talk about the top ten that require little to no skill. The main way to make money homesteading is to make or grown goods to sell so the first thing you are going…
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The Complete List of Homesteading Skills
Whether you are new to homesteading or are a master at the craft this list has you covered with the basic skills every homesteader should master. Start with what is most important to you and your family and begin researching, books are an amazing resource and there are…